North Bay's Premier Art Car Factory

Obtainium Works is the home base of the Hibernian Academy of UnNatural Sciences, based in Vallejo, California.  It is an on-going Do It Yourself (DIY) group of tinkerers, gearheads, and steam bohemians who fabricate art out of repurposed industrial detritus. We call it "Obtainium." We are loosely based on the works of Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, and other Victorian-era writers who created an imaginary world where steam technology was considered cutting edge and brave explorers could be propelled by gun powder to the moon!

Hibernian Empire in Vallejo

A once peaceful and dignified warehouse through no fault of its own, it has become OBTAINIUM WORKS. Obtainium Works is the birthplace of a number of vehicles that have been designed for events such as the Mad Hatter Parade, the Obtainium Cup, Burning Man, Maker Faire, the Grand Kinetic Championship, and Battlebots.  We also fabricate vehicles and art pieces on commission.

2012 Mad Hatter Holiday Festival

2012 Mad Hatter Holiday Festival

Mad Hatter Holiday Festival

Obtainium Works is the secret home of the Vallejo Mad Hatter Holiday Festival. Usually held on the first Saturday of December. This gathering of wacky vehicles cruising through downtown is a big hit! Each year, we add another "Alice in Wonderland" contraption to fit with the theme.

The Hibernian Steam Empire

The Hibernian Empire is a steampunk revisionist reality created by Shannon O'Hare, loosely based on Ireland and using the Roman name for the Emerald Isle as the "land of hibernation".  In this fantasy world, due to events that did not happen, and other events that did happen, Ireland ends up being a world power and is now in the 21st Century, exploring with steam-powered vehicles as did the British in the 1800's.  Thus, "the future, from the past, that would be today...but Never Was".

OB-TAIN-I-UM: any item, found or obtained for free.

Materials used to create art work such as assemblage, mixed media or sculpture that wasn't bought new, but obtained in other ways, such as second-hand, dumpster diving, chance findings or donations.