Andrew Autore is a recent graduate of the Hibernia Merchant Marine Academy. This young engineer and mechanic has done wonders to get the Haul working.
Graduate from the Hibernian Academy In Industrial Arts, under apprenticeship of the great Geppetto. Mike Snowden shares his woodworking skills and builds amazing objects from deceased trees.
Lady Ofebia is a local theatre actress, well known for Shakespeare performances and her drivable Skirt in the Mad Hatter Parade. Ofeibia often lends a hand at events and live performances.
Tim O'Hare is the senior brother of the trio. Retired from the railroad industry, he lends his expertise in motors and machinery.
Grego found his Hibernian Empire family at the Obtainium Cup., often lending his DJ skills at events. A fantastic artist, Grego created trophies, goggles and his beloved art car, the “Interglaxtic Imagination Transporter”. The Great “Gluru” has passed beyond the veil. We miss you Grego!
Kimric Smythe and Autumn Kruse are like two poles of a magnet. Kimric was the chief engineer of the Neverwas Haul, the Steam Car, and is a legendary Burning Man Survival Research Labs prankster, artist, engineer and pyrotechnician. Kimric owns an accordion repair shop and makes Post Apocalyptic fashion accessories as Deathstar Samover.
Charles von Vitic came out from the mountains and insisted on becoming an intern with the Major. A student of the kinetic arts, he refined his skills under the Major's tutelage.
Matthew O'Brien is a sturdy Merchant Marine who can cut and bend metal with his bare hands! This long lost child of Hephaestus has helped build many an art car at Obtainium Works.
Matthew Snyder aka Hazmatt is a metal fabricator and designer. Part of the original build team, he made the ornamental metal features of the Neverwas Haul, the finger-eating folding stairs and some of the structural metal. He emigrated from Hibernia and now resides in Southern California. His fabulous cheeses will be missed.
Don Bruce and Tracy Feldstein, aka Lord and Lady Inebria. Fabulous tinkerers and tincture makers. Built the Ark of Inebriation and several Burning Man art projects.
David Apocalypse and Jenny Schmenny are two peas in a pod. David is a long time prankster, megaphone superstar, and Circus Carny. Jenny helps keep David sane.
Dave and Vicki Wilson are giants. Literally. They build fabulous vehicles, like the Chairway to Heaven and the Parlor Car.
Dave Wilson has driven his Chairway to Heaven. He shall be missed.
Andrei Pischalnikoff comes from the northern region of Hibernia. Andy is a photographer and proficient user of the Kimric fire cannon.
Leftenant James Carrott is a historian and part of the command deck crew. When he is not driving the Neverwas Haul, he is documenting the adventures of the Hibernian Empire and this thing called "Steampunk."
Mr. Liam McNamara is an engineer, builder, and collaborator with Kimric Smythe. He was part of the original build crew for the Neverwas Haul.
Andre is amazingly useful with a kitchen knife at Burning Man.